Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tupac or Notorious B.I.G.

Ever since the death of Biggy Smalls and Tupac people still debate over who they liked more or who which rapper ran the game.Personally I think Tupac was a better lyricist and had better topics to talk about. He talked about the things that mattered in society. On the other hand Biggy smalls worded things differently and had the best flow.
The two were pretty good friends until one day Tupac was shot in the rap studio in Time square new york. Tupac automatically thought that since biggy was in the studio that he set him up but that wasn't true or atleast thats not what everyone thinks happend.

Things really got heated up when biggy smalls came out with a song called who shot ya . Tupac thought it was aimed at him. Then tupac replied with the song hit em up.who shot yahit em up


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